Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Mk2 Golf......started...or 'here we go again!'

OK, so, one of our local forum VW lads called to the house Sunday morning, made an offer that couldn't be refused, and the Corrado G60 is gone to a new home!

Ah well, there is such a thing as having too many projects on the go...but do we ever listen? Ehhhhhhh..........NO! HAHA!

So what do I do now, for my oil-under-the-fingernails fix?

Get up off my ass and tear into the 8valve Mk2 GTi project, that's what!

So, had a few hours to kill yesterday evening, and the pictures below can tell the rest!

Job done, time for a large coffee and a couple of smokes!
Seats, carpets, door cards, rear trims all removed to be scrubbed clean of dirt and old mouse-shit - door cards are saggier than an 1980's glamour-model's tits, so they may be for the bin if I can find decent replacement panels.

On the outside, rear badges are off for some tlc and refurbishment, front lower valance is more bent than an Irish politician, so that's for the bin, and the four lamp grille is making way for something that's really gonna upset and boil the piss of VW purists!  Watch this space!

Wheels are sourced and in the shed, waiting for their refurb; nice and simple OEM+.
exterior's just gonna be left as-is for now, cleaned up and made presentable while still retaining the patina; this one's for driving, not for shiney-shiney trophies.
Exhaust system and Weitec coilovers are sitting in a friend's shed...actually they're still on his car, which has been attacked by rust, so gotta get those removed and transported home.
Interior will stay standard, just some decent ICE and additional gauges to make sure all remains well under the bonnet.
All exterior trims are gonna be refurbed, so I'll do a handy how-to on that for people who fancy giving it a go.
Engine will remain standard, with all belts, fluids, ancilaries and service stuff renewed or replaced.
Right, that's enough to be going on with...check in for more updates soon.

Drive safe,

1 comment:

  1. I know a fella with door cards that would suit that down to the ground
