Friday, 27 January 2012

Some corrado updates

The ever popular...or unpopular... joey modded headlights, or how to spruce up your lamps while still being a cheap bastard who can't afford new smoked ones!

Step one - remove lights from car...
Step two - clean all the tiger seal off the lamps that some previous knuckle-dragging mouth-breathing owner fit his grille spoiler!
Step 3 - remove lamp lenses...CAREFULLY! If you're a ham-fisted Neanderthal, best let someone with a bit of finesse do this for you...hammer NOT required for this task! Prise lens clips away from glass with a flat screwdriver, levering against the back of the lamp, not the lens!
Step four - clean up lens with wire wool to remove two decades of gunk, then polish with glass cleaner of your choice...DON'T DROP THE FUCKIN' THING!
Step five - Get your trusty tin of smooth hammerite and a fine artists brush, and brace comes the tricky bit.....steady now!
Step steady your nerves, have a refreshing cool's mine being delivered to the workbench...thanks darlin'!

Step six - lay the paint on evenly, taking your time around the edges of the reflector's how it should end up...
Step seven - repeat for the other lamp...
Step eight - re-assemble the lamps once the paint has dried and pat yourself on the back, job well done.

 I don't have a pic of them on the car yet, as its still in eleventy million pieces on the driveway.....patience, all will be done soon!

Later folks,

1 comment:

  1. Stumbled upon this in a Google search.

    Really sweet VW blog bro. Funny and informative.

    Keep up the good work.
